Play with Sorc opener
Go level 8 and roll for 6 sorc + Elise + Morg/Cassio.
Can also play Illaoi + Irelia
Drop Lux for Leblanc
If you have Sorc emblem, you can play 4 emissary 6 sorc on level 8, or play more blackrose
Anomaly: Damage Zoe, Tank Swain
Play from winstreak conqueror opener, only play with Conqueror emblem
Go level 8 and play 6 conqueror + x. Can play 4 formswapper if you hit Jayce. Can play 4 emissary. Can play Rumble/Illaoi for Sentinel
Play Morde over Draven/Darius/Rell
Only play with 'Gloves Off' Augment
Go level 6, play 4 watcher 3 family. Roll for Vander 3 > Vlad 3 > Powder 3, push levels for 6 watcher
Anomaly: Tank on Vander
Vander: IE HOJ BT
Vlad: Evenshroud Sunfire Redemption
Powder: AP items