
S-Tier Silver Augments

S-Tier Gold Augments

S-Tier Prismatic Augments

A Change Of Fate

Gain a Blue Buff. After starting a round with 60 gold and winning a player combat, gain a Mel and a Hextech Gunblade. Tasks can be completed in any order.

A Golden Find

Champions evolved by the Anomaly drop 2 gold every 3 kills. Gain 10 free rerolls.

A Magic Roll

Roll 3 dice. Gain rewards based on their total.

Academic Research

Whenever you build an item, gain a completed item anvil instead. That anvil always offers an Academy item and the item built. Gain 1 random components. Gain a Lux and an Ezreal.

Academy Crest

Gain an Academy Emblem and a Leona.

Academy Crown

Gain an Academy Emblem and a random sponsored item.

Adrenaline Burst

Combat start and every 6 seconds, all Quickstrikers attack 85% faster for 2.50 seconds. Gain a Nocturne and Akali.

Aerial Warfare

Firelight champions gain 9% Attack Damage and 9 Ability Power for every hex traveled. Gain a Scar.

All That Shimmers

Open an armory of gold generating Artifact items. Gain a Magnetic Remover. Your max interest is increased to 7.

All That Shimmers+

Open an armory of gold generating Artifact items. Gain 4 gold and a Magnetic Remover. Your max interest is increased to 7.

Ambusher Crest

Gain an Ambusher Emblem and a Camille.

Ambusher Crown

Gain an Ambusher Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Camille.

An Exalted Adventure

Gain three 2-cost champions. If you 3-star two of them, gain an orb filled with loot. Gain a Lesser Champion Duplicator now and at the start of the next 3 stages.

Anger Issues

All your current and future Completed items transform into Guinsoo's Rageblades that grant 50 Armor and Magic Resist. Each stack also grants 1.5% Attack Damagea and Ability Power.

Another Anomaly

After the Anomaly round on 4-6, gain a item that duplicates the chosen Anomaly Effect onto the equipped champion with 250 HP and 25 AP.

Artillerist Crest

Gain an Artillerist Emblem and a Tristana.

Artillerist Crown

Gain an Artillerist Emblem, a Runaan's Hurricane, and a Tristana.

At What Cost

Immediately go to level 6. You don't get to choose your future augments.

Automata Crest

Gain an Automata Emblem and a Nocturne.

Automata Crown

Gain an Automata Emblem, a Guardbreaker, and a Nocturne.


You cannot perform actions for the next 3 rounds. Afterwards, gain 2 completed item anvils.


Your team gains 10% Attack Speed if at least 4 allies start combat in the back two rows.

Bad Luck Protection

Your team can no longer critically strike. Convert each 1% Critical Strike Chance into 1% Attack Damage. Gain a Sparring Gloves.

Band of Thieves I

Gain 1 Thief's Gloves.

Battle Scars

Every time Watchers are attacked, they gain 2% Attack Damage. Every time Watchers are hit by an ability, they gain 4 Ability Power. Gain a Vander.

Beggars Can Be Choosers

You have 3 extra augment rerolls for all other augment choices. Gain 7 gold.

Belt Overflow

Gain 4 Giant's Belts. Your Giant's Belts grant +90 bonus Health.

Big Grab Bag

Gain 2 random components, 1 gold, and a Reforger.

Birthday Present

Gain 2 gold and a 2-star champion every time you level up. The champion's tier is your level minus 4 (min: Tier 1).

Black Rose Crest

Gain a Black Rose Emblem.

Black Rose Crown

Gain a Black Rose Emblem, a Morellonomicon, and a Cassiopeia.

Blade Dance

Gain an Irelia. Your strongest Irelia gains 60% Attack Speed and gains a brand new Ability that dashes her between two targets, dealing physical damage to both.

Blazing Soul I

Combat start: Your highest Attack Speed champion gains 20 Ability Power and 20% Attack Speed. Repeat on another ally every 3 seconds.

Blazing Soul II

Combat start: Your highest Attack Speed champion gains 35 Ability Power and 30% Attack Speed. Repeat on another ally every 3 seconds.

Blinding Speed

Gain a Guinsoo's Rageblade and a Red Buff and a Magnetic Remover.

Blistering Strikes

Your units' attacks burn their targets for 5% of their maximum Health over 5 seconds and reduce their targets' healing received by 33%.

Branching Out

Gain a random Emblem and a Reforger now.

Bronze For Life I

Your team gains 2% Damage Amp for each Bronze-tier trait.

Bronze For Life II

Your team gains 3.5% Damage Amp and 1% Durability for each Bronze-tier trait.

Bruiser Crest

Gain a Bruiser Emblem and a Sett.

Bruiser Crown

Gain a Bruiser Emblem, a Redemption, and a Sett.

Brutal Revenge

Gain 2 Rennis. Your strongest Renni's Ability costs 10 less and causes her to lunge towards the fartheset enemy within 2 hexes, dealing 110% damage to the target and reduced damage to enemies in her path.

Build a Bud!

Gain a random three star 1-cost unit and 10 gold.

Built Different

Your units with no Traits active gain 240-530 Health and 45-60% Attack Speed (based on current Stage).

Bulky Buddies I

Allies that start combat next to exactly 1 other ally gain 100 Health. When that champion dies, the other gains a 10% max Health Shield for 10 seconds.

Bulky Buddies II

Allies that start combat next to exactly 1 other ally gain 175 Health. When that champion dies, the other gains a 15% max Health Shield for 10 seconds.

Bulky Buddies III

Allies that start combat next to exactly 1 other ally gain 330 Health. When that champion dies, the other gains a 18% max Health Shield for 10 seconds.

Buried Treasures III

At the start of the next 5 rounds, gain a random item component.

Calculated Enhancement

Each combat, 4 random champions in your last row gain 40% Attack Damage and 50 Ability Power.

Call to Chaos

Gain a powerful and random reward.

Called Shot

Set your win streak to +4. Gain a random component (2-1 only) and 4 gold.

Caretaker's Ally

Gain a random 2-cost champion now. Gain the same one again every time you level up.

Caretaker's Chosen

As you level, gain more powerful items. Level 4: component anvil Level 6: completed item anvil Level 7: choose 1 of 5 Radiant items

Caretaker's Favor

Gain a component anvil when you reach level 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Category Five

Gain a Runaan's Hurricane. Your Runaan's Hurricanes shoot 1 extra bolts, each dealing 85% of the original damage.

Chem-Baron Crest

Gain a Chem-Baron Emblem and a Renata Glasc.

Chem-Baron Crown

Gain a Chem-Baron Emblem, a Nashor's Tooth, and a Smeech.

Clear Mind

If you have no units on your bench at the end of a round, gain 3 experience points.

Climb The Ladder I

Each time an ally dies, allies that share at least one trait with them gain 3 Ability Power, 3% Attack Damage, 3 Armor, and 3 Magic Resist.

Climb The Ladder II

Each time an ally dies, allies that share at least one trait with them gain 5 Ability Power, 5% Attack Damage, 5 Armor, and 5 Magic Resist.

Clockwork Accelerator

Your team gains 10% Attack Speed every 3 seconds.

Cloning Facility

Empower a hex in the center of the board. Summon a clone of the champion in it with 80% Health and 10% increased Mana cost.

Cluttered Mind

Gain 4 random 1-cost champions. If your bench is full at the end of a round, gain 4 experience points.

Combat Medic

Gain a Steb. Your strongest Steb's Ability's Mana cost is reduced by 10, but no longer heals. Steb's spell grants 30% Omnivamp and strikes 3 times, each dealing 65%.

Component Buffet

Whenever you would get a random component, instead gain a component anvil.

Conqueror Crest

Gain a Conqueror Emblem and a Rell.

Conqueror Crown

Gain a Conqueror Emblem, a Last Whisper, and a Rell.

Cooking Pot

At the start of each turn, all units holding a Frying Pan or Spatula item grant the nearest champion 50 permanent Health. Gain a Frying Pan.


Gain a Tactician's Crown. Tactician's Crown, Shield, and Cape grant the holder an additional 30% Attack Speed, 30% Attack Damage, and 30 Ability Power.


Enemy champions in the first two rows lose 3 Armor and Magic Resist every 2 seconds.

Crafted Crafting

Whenever you craft a completed item, gain 3 rerolls.

Crimson Pact

Gain a Vladimir. Your strongest Vladimir gains +3 Range and gains 5 bonus Mana each attack. His Ability no longer heals but grants 7% Damage Amp, deals 80% bonus damage, and spreads additional damage to the 2 nearest enemies.

Crown Guarded

Gain a Crownguard. Your Crownguards' start of combat effect is 100% stronger.

Crown's Will

Gain a Needlessly Large Rod. Your units gain 10 Ability Power and 10 Armor.

Delayed Start

Sell your board and bench. Gain 4 random 2-star 1 cost champions. Disable your Shop for the next 3 rounds.

Diversified Portfolio

Each round, gain 1 gold for every 3 non-unique traits active. Gain 1 gold.

Diversified Portfolio+

Each round, gain 1 gold for every 3 non-unique traits active. Gain 4 gold.


Dominators gain 10% Attack Speed while shielded. When a Dominator gets a kill, all Dominators gain 100 Shield for 3 seconds. Gain a Cassiopeia.

Dominator Crest

Gain a Dominator Emblem and a Blitzcrank.

Dominator Crown

Gain a Dominator Emblem, a Protector's Vow, and a Blitzcrank.

Dual Purpose

The first time you buy experience each round, gain 2 gold. Whenever you buy experience, refresh your shop.


Lose all champions on your board and bench. Gain a Training Dummy with 100% of their combined health.

Duo Queue

Gain 2 random 5-cost champions and 2 copies of a random component.

Enforcer Crest

Gain an Enforcer Emblem and a Loris.

Enforcer Crown

Gain an Enforcer Emblem, an Infinity Edge, and a Loris.


Now, and at the start of every stage, gain 6 XP and 2 free rerolls for that round only.


Now, and at the start of every stage, gain 8 XP and 2 free rerolls for that round only.

Expected Unexpectedness

Now and at the start of the next 2 stages, roll 3 dice. Gain various rewards based on their total.

Experiment Crest

Gain an Experiment Emblem and an Urgot.

Experiment Crown

Gain an Experiment Emblem, a Bloodthirster, and an Urgot.

Eye For An Eye

For every 15 ally champions that die, gain a random component (max 4).

Eye For An Eye+

Gain a random component. For every 13 ally champions that die, gain another component (max 3).

Family Crest

Gain a Family Emblem.

Family Crown

Gain a Family Emblem and a Redemption.

Final Polish

Gain a Support Anvil and a completed item anvil.

Find Your Center

Your champion that starts combat in the center of the frontline and gains 15% damage and 15% max health.

Fine Vintage

Completed items left on your bench for 4 rounds transform into Support Anvils.

Firelight Crest

Gain a Firelight Emblem and a Zeri.

Firelight Crown

Gain a Firelight Emblem, a Protector's Vow, and a Scar.


Each round, steal a random champion from the shop. Gain 1 gold.