Gain 2 gold after losing a player combat. Gain a random component after every 4 losses.
What You Really Are
Gain a Bloodthirster. After you deal 35 damage to other players, gain a Warwick and a Sterak's Gage.
Why Not Both?
While you field 2 of the same Form Swapper in different forms, both gain 24 Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist, and 24% Attack Damage. When you 3-star a Form Swapper, gain a 2-star copy. Gain a Swain and Gangplank. (Can only be offered to 1 player)
Worth the Wait
Gain a random two-star 1-cost champion. After 2 rounds, gain another copy of them at the start of each round for the rest of the game.
Worth the Wait II
Gain a random 2-cost. After, gain a copy of that 2-cost at the beginning of the round for the next 8 rounds.
Young and Wild and Free
You can always move freely on Carousel rounds. Gain 2 gold.